Society For Rural Improvement

As micro-credit and poverty alleviation is increasingly becoming an inter-disciplinary subject, limited Internship is available. The region has an unique, bewildering and contradicting socio-cultural and economic syndrome. An extensive and varied field coverage, such as agrarian belt, coastal area and tribal settlement, with One on One interaction with the beneficiaries, participation with traditional and colorful local pageantry are some of the salient features of this internship.
Local hospitality shall be provided by SRI.


Dr. Prabhakar, CEO has been involved in the study and research on rural poverty alleviation for the past 20 years.

He was invited by Grameen Bank/Trust, Bangladesh as a consultant and Resource Person to give presentation of his experience in Kerala to an International audience at the Micro-credit Conference in Bangladesh during the 31st International Dialogue.

Dr. Prabhakar has given a Presentation at the World Bank, Washington D.C. about the innovative Micro-credit system for poverty alleviation and empowerment of poorest rural women.

Dr. Prabhakar Presented a paper 'Disaster Risk Financing and Micro-finance' at NIDM (National Disaster Management Institute), Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi.

Dr. Prabhakar is a member of the expert committee for the evaluation of the selected Research Proposals on Socio-Economic development at the CDS (Centre for Development Studies) , Trivandrum.

Dr. Prabhakar has been selected as a panelist by FICCI (Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry) for the All India Rural Business Summit.

Four women managerial staff have undergone in depth training for Branch Managers at Bangladesh with hands on experience and exposure in the villages.

Managers also participated in training of identification of viable Income Generating Activities conducted at NISIET (National Institute Of Small Industry Extension Training), Hyderabad.

Two managerial staff attended the Training on Process Mapping at New Delhi organized by Planet Finance and ABN Amro Bank.

The Project Manager of SRI participated in the workshop for the financial managers, focusing on the significant aspects of micro-financing.

Center Managers were exposed to the training on people planning Campaign at KILA (Kerala Institute on Local Administration).

IC (Inter Corporation of Swiss Development Corporation) imparted training on Gender issues and PTD (Participatory Technology Development).

Two women managerial staff undergone refresher course on Financial Management for NGO / MFI at Accounts Training Institute, Bangalore.

RMK (Rashtriya Mahila Kosh) Under the Ministry of Women and Child Development has appointed SRI(Society for Rural Improvement) as their Nodel Agents, and a Senior Staff has undergone Training of Nodal Officer at NIPCCD (National Institute of Public Co-operation and Child Development), New Delhi.

We are constantly getting trained and retrained in the various aspects of micro-credit delivery system and contemporary socio-economic issues for poverty alleviation.


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